
What was this?

Silent Echo allowed you to interact with Alexa via text.

What happened?

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we can no longer offer this service.

What is next?

More tools for testing and monitoring, and who knows what else? ;-)

How do I de-activate it?

It is already de-activated, but to remove the virtual device from your Alexa account, do the following:

  1. Go to Manage Your Content and Settings at Amazon
  2. Go to the Devices tab
  3. Look for the Silent Echo device
  4. Click on the "..." button to the left of the device
  5. Select "Deregister" and then click the "Deregister" button
Your Silent Echo (and any authorization granted to it) has been decommissioned.

How do I remove it from Slack?

Go to this page and select "Remove App" at the bottom of the page.